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Fungal Infections
Fungal Infections services offered in Fort Worth, Dallas and Cleburne, TX
Fungal infections commonly affect your toenails, resulting in yellow, crumbling nails you want to hide. The skilled team at Dr. Malouf Dermatology has years of experience treating fungal infections that take hold under your nails and on your skin, like athlete’s foot and ringworm. Call the office in Fort Worth, Dallas, or Cleburne, Texas, or book online to schedule an appointment today.
Fungal Infections Q & A
What causes fungal infections?
You’re frequently exposed to fungal organisms like yeast, molds, mildew, and other fungi because they thrive on your skin, in the soil, and in most moist places.
The yeast on your skin and inside your body are harmless unless they overgrow. Then these yeasts can cause infections. Organisms in the soil don’t cause problems unless they get through an opening in your skin, like a cut or wound. Then they can take hold and cause a fungal infection.
What kind of fungal infection could I develop?
Though nail fungal infections are more common, Dr. Malouf also treats skin infections. Both typically need topical or oral antifungal medication.
The most common fungal infections include:
Nail fungus (onychomycosis)
This condition occurs when the fungal infection grows under your toenails. The nail turns yellow, thickens, and becomes brittle and crumbly.
You can easily pick up a nail fungus by going barefoot when walking outside, in locker rooms, and around pools. Your risk increases if you have sweaty feet, don’t wear socks, or have poorly ventilated shoes.
Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
Most people pick up athlete’s foot the same way as a nail fungus: by walking around without shoes. The fungus turns the skin between your toes white, causing it to peel, and it also causes itching and burning.
Ringworm (tinea capitis and tinea corporis)
Ringworm, a fungal infection, causes an itchy skin rash (tinea corporis) in the shape of a ring. It often appears on the scalps (tinea capitis) of young children.
What kind of wound care might I need?
Any wound on your foot or lower leg can heal slowly. But you’re especially vulnerable if you have diabetes or vascular disease. Both conditions limit the blood supply and slow healing. A small wound can quickly enlarge and become extremely difficult to heal.
Dr. Malouf offers intensive wound care that promotes healing and prevents infections that can lead to severe complications like amputation. We also utilize PCR testing to identify the infectious organism with 24 hours as opposed to waiting weeks for a culture.
Wound care treatments include:
- Debridement (deep cleaning the wound and removing dead tissue)
- Antibiotics to control infections
- Devices like casts or special shoes to take pressure off the wound
- Skin substitutes and advanced dressings
- Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT)
NPWT uses a foam bandage with a tube attached to a vacuum pump. The pump gently draws out fluids and infection.
Call Dr. Malouf Dermatology or book an appointment online today if you need to be treated for a slow-healing wound or a fungal infection.
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